Leary introduces the redesigned MaQ+ (plus) controller. This new controller enters a growing market of commercial printers looking to expand to gluing and quality assurance capacities. The expandability of the MaQ+ makes it the most cost-effective controller for plants seeking to minimize their investment expenses while maintaining flexibility for growth in the future.
The MaQ+ comes standard as a basic unit with three configuration choices, detection only, extrusion only, or combination extrusion and detection.
Users can maximize the versatility of this controller at eight extrusion outputs and three detection inputs. The MaQ+ uses the same Monet operation software as its more powerful counterpart controller, Array, to deliver simple new job setups and intuitive production processing. Low capacity plants that run small volume jobs with multiple make readies will benefit from this new controller range. Plants looking to break into gluing at this time can start with a MaQ+ extrusion controller and have the capacity to add detection at a later date. Previously, new carton converters were required to pay high prices for basic gluing or detection needs if expansion was a future possibility. The MaQ+ keeps hardware investment to a minimum when converting to gluing or detection.
The control unit has a built-in graphical user interface that includes the necessary components for all three detection capabilities and iQ compatibility. Detection options consist of mixed copy detection, glue detection, and more. Customers that want to start with a basic glue application can purchase a one-time extrusion expansion module to enable up to eight output valves sold in packages of four valves for cost savings after that, adding quality detection to a MaQ+ extrusion controller requires only software and sensor upgrades. Complete extrusion system option includes the control unit with a built-in screen, extrusion expansion module, glue valves and detection, pump and GRU outfitted on an ergonomically designed self-contained stand.
The MaQ+ controller seamlessly integrates with the Leary Sempre-i cold glue valve for the most precise application at +/-1 mm accuracy. The slim valve design is equipped with CleanStart technology to automatically seal the valve tip when production stops for any reason. This solution improves plant sustainability by decreasing the downtime required to clean a valve at startup. Preventing adhesive from drying on the valve tip allows accurate glue application on the first carton and reduces carton waste. The Sempre-i valve can configure multiple cold glue detection sensors based on substrate and glue choice.
Contact Leary to learn how the MaQ+ delivers the most cost-effective controller with expandable solutions that keep the future in mind.